The XXIIIth International Conference of Young Geologists - ICYG 2024, will be held in the conference room of the Education Training Facility of the Technical University of Košice in Herľany on April 18 - 20, 2024. Accommodation for the conference is arranged in the same location.

Address: Herľany 48

044 45 Herľany

Travelling by car

GPS: 48° 48´ 03" N, 21° 28´ 40" E

Travelling by train/bus

When traveling by train or bus, your connections should be bound for Košice. Bus and train station in Košice are close to each other.

From Košice (Košice, AS – address: Staničné nám. 9, 040 01), platform 33, take a bus heading for Rankovce/Kecerovce. Your final destination is Herľany, Gejzír.

Travelling by airplane

If you arrive to Košice by plane, you have take a bus from Košice airport to the Košice bus station, by Busno. 23

Starting station is Letisko, final station is Staničné námestie (Železničná a autobusová stanica)

And then continue to Herľany.

Taxi in Košice

If your arrival to Košice is not corresponding with timetable of buses from Košice to Herľany you can use a Taxi.

EASY TAXI Košice: +421907 234 263

MY TAXI KOŠICE: +421910 340 770

TAKE TAXI: +421948 777 777

Approximately price of the taxi from Košice to Herľany is – 50,-Eur

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