The ICYG 2020 will take place using the Airmeet
9:00 Opening, welcoming remarks
9:30 Keynote speech: JURAJ MAJZLAN - How do metastable secondary minerals form?
Morning Session 1: Structure and tectonics - chair: ADAM FHEED
10:30-10:50 KLAUDIA KUPČÍKOVÁ* - presentation withdrawn
10:50-11:10 MARÍNA MOLČAN MATEJOVÁ* - presentation withdrawn
11:10-11:30 IVAN ŠULEK* - Finding alternative natural entrances to the Krčahovo-Červené-massif cave system
11:30:00 - 11:50 Coffee break
Midday Session: Earth history, metamorphic petrology, dating - chair: IWONA KLONOWSKA
11:50-12:10 JAKUB BAZARNIK*, JAROSŁAW MAJKA, WILLIAM C. MCCLELLAND, KAROLINA KOŚMIŃSKA, KARSTEN PIEPJOHN, SYNNØVE ELVEVOLD & JUSTIN V. STRAUSS - Refinement of tectonostratigraphy within the West Ny-Firesland terrane of Svalbard based on detrital zircon provenance and metaigneous rock dating
12:10-12:30 EWA STĘPIEŃ*, ALEKSANDRA WARZECHA* & GRZEGORZ ZIEMNIAK - The structural evolution of the enigmatic Jørgenfjellet Nappe from Spitsbergen
12:30-12:50 DMITRIY RUDKO*, SERGEY RUDKO, ANDREY SHATSILLO & NIKOLAY KUZNETSOV - Paleomagnetic "cross-bedding" test on the Ediacaran Lopata Fm. redbeds of the Yenisei Ridge: verifying the hypothesis of hyperactivity of the geomagnetic field at the boundary of the Precambrian and Phanerozoic.
12:50:00 - 14:30 Lunch break
Afternoon Session 1: Environment - chair: MICHAL ŠUJAN
14:30-14:50 JUSTYNA HAŁABUZA* & KAROLINA RYBKA - Ca-Al LDH obtained via transformation of limestone powder and aluminium can for Cr(VI) removal in single-element system and in the presence of competitive anion
14:50-15:10 KAROLINA RYBKA* & JAKUB MATUSIK - Efficiency of selected anions removal by Mg/Al and Mg/Fe LDH obtained with different sources of Mg
15:10-15:30 KINGA ŚLÓSARCZYK* - Application of emerging contaminants analysis to determine the impact of river infiltration on groundwater quality
15:30-15:50 MACIEJ SOBCZYK*, AKINNYI AKINSUNMADE & TOMASZ BAJDA - Temperature stability of chemically synthesized alginate-based aerogel during metal ions
15:50 - 16:10 Coffee break
Afternoon Session 2: General stuff - chair: ANNA KOTEJA
16:10-16:30 MARCIN DREGER* - Methane Emissions and Hard Coal Production in Budryk and Pniówek Mines in the Upper Silesian Coal (Poland)
16:30-16:50 KATARZYNA KĄDZIOŁKA*, ANNA PIETRANIK, JAKUB KIERCZAK, ANNA POTYSZ & TOMASZ STOLARCZYK - A step towards better reconstruction of smelting temperatures: the case of historical Cu-slags from the Old Copper Basin, Poland
16:50-17:10 EKATERINA KULAKOVA* & IGOR DEDOV - presentation withdrawn
17:10-17:30 ANTON LATYSHEV*, VICTOR CHMEREV & VICTOR ZAITSEV - Reconstruction of the magma flow direction in alkaline dikes from the Kotuy river valley
(Siberian Traps LIP) based on AMS data
Friday, 6.11. 2020
Morning Session 1: Geochemistry I - chair: KAROLINA KOŚMIŃSKA
10:00-10:20 MARIA MARASZEWSKA*, IGOR BROSKA & SERGYI KURYLO - Monazite-allanite relationship in Prašivá I/S granite type from the Low Tatra Mts: a record of magma mixing and metasomatic processes
10:20-10:50 MICHAELA KREJČÍ KOTLÁNOVÁ*, ZDENĚK DOLNÍČEK, MILOŠ RENÉ & VLASTIMIL MAŠEK - Preliminary study of fluid inclusions in greisens from the Saxothuringian Zone of the Bohemian Massif
10:50-11:10 FABIAN TRAMM*, BARTOSZ BUDZYŃ & GRZEGORZ RZEPA - Raman spectroscopic study of monazite and xenotime - signatures and features from
experimental products
11:10-11:30 Coffee break
Morning Session 2: Geochemistry II - chair: ALICJA WUDARSKA
11:30-11:50 BARTOSZ PUZIO*, JULIA SORDYL & MACIEJ MANECKI - Thermodynamics of synthetic mimetites
11:50-12:10 MACIEJ JARANOWSKI*, BARTOSZ BUDZYŃ, GRZEGORZ RZEPA, GABRIELA A. KOZUB-BUDZYŃ & ZBIGNIEW SAWŁOWICZ - Rare earth elements distribution vs. crystallographic orientation in fluorapatite
12:10-12:30 JUSTYNA NOSEK* & GRZEGORZ RZEPA - Experimental weathering of regolith from the forefield of a retreating Arctic glacier
12:30-12:50 Coffee break
Midday Session: Biogeology, Paleontology - chair: KATARZYNA WALCZAK
12:50-13:10 JAN HINKELMAN* - Microorganisms in the age of Dinosaurs
13:10-13:30 VIKTÓRIA KRAJANOVÁ* - Do lichens eat rocks? The search for probable biomineralized metal oxalates
13:30-13:50 HEMEN SENDI* - Cockroaches as early pollinators
13:50-14:10 LUCIA ŠMÍDOVÁ* - Cockroach fauna of mid-Cretaceous Myanmar amber as valuable insight into the phylogeny of the group
14:10-14:30 PETER VRŠANSKÝ* - presentation withdrawn
14:30-15:30 Lunch break
Afternoon session 1: Sedimentology - chair: IGOR DURIŠKA
15:30-15:50 PIOTR SIWEK* & MAREK WENDORFF - Lower Oligocene mixed siliciclastic-carbonate turbidites - results of macro- and microscopic observations (Szczawa Tectonic Window, Polish Outer Carpathians)
15:50-16:10 KONSTANTIN TARASENKO* - New data on sedimentology and tafonomy of the Late Miocene locality Polevoe 1 (Northwest
Caucasus, Republic of Adygea)
16:10 Coffee break
16:30 Closing ceremony, Rudolf Mock Award