ICYG 2023
XXII International Conference of Young Geologists
Conference Venue: Smolenice (Slovakia);
Congress Centre of the Slovak Academy of Sciences
Conference Date: April 20-22, 2023
a two-year hiatus due to the Covid-19 pandemic, we met for the stationary
of the conference. We were happy to welcome back old friends and looked forward
to welcoming new, young geology enthusiasts. This year's edition brought together
many first-time attendees who thoroughly enjoyed the conference atmosphere. We
are glad that we were able to celebrate the geological sciences in a great
Scientific Board: prof. RNDr. Pavel Uher,
CSc.(Faculty of Natural Sciences, Comenius
University Bratislava,
Mgr. Julián Kondela, PhD. (Faculty of Mining, Ecology,
Process Control
and Geotechnologies, Technical University of
Košice, Slovakia)
dr hab. inż. Grzegorz Rzepa, prof. AGH (AGH University of Science and
Technology, Kraków, Poland)
Organizers: Diego Sebastián Delgado Yáñez, Igor Ďuriška, Margaréta Gregáňová, Pavol Myšľan, Bartosz Puzio, Luca Reato, Karolina Rybka, Viktória Subová, Grzegorz Ziemniak
46 participants of various nationalities represented universities and other institutions from 6 countries (Slovakia, Poland, Czech Republic, Hungary, Germany, and Croatia) attended the conference and presented 33 papers in two days. Student presentations (31 lectures) were evaluated as is the custom from 2010.
Rudolf Mock Award Evaluation Committee:
dr hab. inż. Grzegorz
Rzepa, prof. AGH (AGH UST, Kraków, Poland)
prof. Ing. Tomáš Bakalár, PhD. (FBERG TUKE, Košice, Slovakia)
Dr. Árpád Csámér (FST UD, Debrecen, Hungary)
Rudolf Mock Award Winner:
Jan Kulhánek (Faculty of Sciences, Charles University, Prague, Czech Republic)
with a contribution:
"Y+REE mass balance - a tool to reveal the process of atoll garnet formation"
The third day was traditionally dedicated to a field trip which was focused on the localities of Malé Karpaty Mts.
Guides: RNDr. Tamás Csibri, PhD
Bc. Michaela Mesíčková
Ing. Ivan Trpák
Localities: Driny Cave, Lošonec quarry and mead tasting in the pleasant surroundings of Medolandia in Dolná Krupá.
The conference was organized by the Geological Club (Bratislava, Slovakia) in cooperation with Earth Science Institute, Slovak Academy of Sciences(Bratislava, Slovakia), and Faculty of Earth Sciences and Environmental Management, University of Wroclaw (Wroclaw, Poland) under the scientific guarantee of Faculty of Natural Sciences, Comenius University Bratislava (Bratislava, Slovakia), Faculty of Mining, Ecology, Process Control and Geotechnologies, Technical University of Košice (Košice, Slovakia), and Faculty of Geology, Geophysics and Environmental Protection, AGH University of Science and Technology in Kraków(Kraków, Poland).
The conference was organized under the auspices and with the financial support of the Slovak Commission for UNESCO and the Slovak Caves Administration.