We are glad to announce that the XXIV International Conference of Young Geologists will be organized in Głuchołazy (Poland) on April 10-12 2025.

The yearly international conference is organised mainly for master's and PhD students, and, more in general, all young scientific workers from all fields of geology and geosciences, focused on (but not limited to) general geology, sedimentology, structural geology, geomorphology, mineralogy, geochemistry, economic geology, petrology, palaeontology, geophysics, hydrogeology, engineering geology, geoinformatics, geoengineering, and environmental sciences.

Considering the diversity of topics and international participation, this conference not only represents a unique opportunity to present scientific results, but also to view the direction in each discipline from various scientific workplaces as well as the availability and use of different methodologies. It brings the possibility of interdisciplinary and international collaboration, broadening of the scientific focus, and a chance to see the results of geologists and their colleagues from related disciplines.

This conference is a place to present your results and achievements, receive feedback from professionals and expand the international collaboration in a friendly environment. It is a great start for students presenting their research for the first time.
Contact: icyg@geoklub.sk          https://www.facebook.com/icyg.conference
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